February Newsletter 2025

Two people I know recently lost their father. I wanted to say something to each of them that had the potential to be comforting in some way. So I went back to when we lost Herbie from this world. I can't believe it has been 19 years since my dad passed away.

I think of him every single day.

Marianne Williamson, back when she was a respected new age guru, talked about death in this way: it's like they are on a different channel. They were on a major network and now we can find them on a more remote option.

I think of her explanation because it has been true for me. He is more distant,

but still there.

I hope all of you can find a way to keep a loved one in your life. My dad would tell me stories when I was growing up about his uncle's German Shepherd, Bella. The morning of my dad's funeral I went for a walk, In Tucson, and ran into a German Shepherd. Her name was Bella.Ever since then, every time I meet a Bella I think it is my dad's way of talking to me.

One woman once told me that every time she found a penny, she thought her dad sent it to her.

Hope you will find a way to keep your loved one on a channel somewhere.

In keeping with Super Bowl month, I want to share the Budweiser commercial designed for the Super Bowl. It was released two weeks prior and garnered over a million views days before the Sunday event. In one minute 35 seconds this commercial demonstrates perseverance, humor, resiliency and a lot of training. I challenge you not to tear up.

Here are 3 things the Golden Globes, the Grammys and the Super Bowl have in common.

1.  Defining Moments

The ability to create and the ability to identify a defining moment are skills that help us protect and communicate our own value. I think of a defining moment as one that leads to a pivotal decision or a fundamental change. A Grammy, Globe award or Super Bowl ring may change the trajectory of a career. We as the audience get to be a witness.


Lesson Learned: To identify a defining moment like the slipper fitting on Cindarella’s foot or Julia Roberts telling off the shop girl is easy. To identify those moments in real time when they happen to us or in front of us, is more challenging. Often we realize after the moment. Can you identify a defining moment in your life as it is happening?

2. Being Memorable

With sequins, feathers, leather, hair extensions and haute couture, it can be difficult to be memorable at an awards red carpet. With a 53 player roster, all wearing the same uniform, how can one player be memorable over another in the same jersey? Yet being memorable is essential to acing the interview, getting the sale or a Nike contract.


Lesson Learned:  We remember those that are memorable. First embrace the rule “to be memorable”. Then embrace the possibility that being memorable for some might be in a negative way. We need to embrace that one person’s positive is another person’s negative. Is your goal to be positive?

3. A Good Story

A commercial at its core is a good story. Globe and Grammy winners have a good story at their core. Demi Moore from neglect to GI Jane, Beyonce winning Album of the Year both make a great story. America has followed Travis and Taylor because they are a good story. Behind these stories are rules.


Lesson Learned: All good stories have 7 rules in common. Above the rules, is an important mindset. You have to be willing to ‘bleed” a little, share your authentic self. Underneath every good story is a thread or a whole spool of authenticity. Can you be authentic with your audience?

Forum 360 with Leslie as Moderator

Upcoming Shows: An Author’s Perspective


For the second time in over 20 years, a guest did not show up. The only other time it happened was when Austin Carr blew me off. The upside was that it led to meeting Campy Russell.

Two time Pulitzer nominated author Andrew Meier was to be my zoom guest. He didn’t appear on the platform for the taping and I didn’t hear from him. Trip to the Hudson studio wasted, read two books, studio time and personnel time involved. I wasn’t a happy camper.


The he demonstrated so much grace. We will tape in March instead of February.

Lesson learned, grace goes a long way.

Watch/ Listen to Forum 360:

Western Reserve Public Media, PBS-TV, PBS Fusion Channels 45 & 49 (Time Warner channel 993) - Mondays at 7:30 pm and Saturdays at 5:00 pm. After the show airs, you can download it here.

WONE FM 97.5 Sunday 6 am

For online streaming go to http://wone.net/ and click Listen Live. 

WAKR AM 1590 Sunday, 5:00 pm, Monday 12:30 am For online streaming go to http://akronnewsnow.com/ and click Listen Live.

I brought Tevi back to “obedience training” after a 6 month break. I thought perhaps some maturity might have kicked in. In the middle of the third class I turned to Tevi and told him this was his last class. He didn’t have to come back. . . ever.

He appeared to not enjoy it and it wasn’t fun for me either. So now I tell him that it is OK to be a drop-out. Bill Gates and Zuckerberg didn’t graduate from college and they have made a living.

To finish the course Benji returned for the final 4 classes. He loves it so much that an hour before it is time to leave for class, he finds me and pleads for us to get going. He loves going to class, he loves the class, the different challenges, he loves it all.

I finally decided to accept Tevi as he is and not try to make him Benji. Benji is Benji.

Video and Vino

March 13, 5pm - 7pm


We would be excited to have you join us at this unique session. Each participant will be taped, we will play it back, make suggestions, and tape you again. You will see immediate improvement!


You learn by doing and by observing others. Guess what? You have fun throughout the process!


  • You can use your "elevator speech"
  • You can use a part of any presentation you have given or will give
  • You can be a pretend guest on a TV show
  • You can use a few paragraphs from some famous speeches we have on hand


When: March 13th, 5pm - 7pm

Additional video dates are July 24 and November 6.

Where: 822 Kumho Dr. in Fairlawn. Please park in the front of the building and come in the front door.

How: To reserve your spot(s) just email me.

HorseTalk: Lessons in Leadership dates for 2025 

Welcome to the wonderful world of HorseTalk where magnificent 4-legged creatures will teach you more about your communication and leadership skills than you could learn in a decade . . . or even a lifetime.

Bring yourself to one of these dates or bring your whole team to the date of your choice.

  • June 27
  • July 18
  • August 15
  • September 19


Join us at these unique events by emailing Leslie at [email protected] or calling at 330.607.5730.

Ask me about my 10 in 10! 

Visit our website for more information on our events
Electric Impulse Communications
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