(named after my dad!)
My dad was almost a life-long Republican. He always voted for Congressman John Seiberling and Senator Howard Metzenbaum. Toward the end of his life he voted for Bill Clinton and against “W”. I am curious what he would think about Governor Andrew Cuomo.
In case you have been paying little attention to the Covid cast of characters, Governor Cuomo is the only governor whose daily press conference is covered nationally. Many governors hold daily briefings: DeWine, Newsom (California), and Pritzker (Illinois) to name a few. But Cuomo’s is the only one that has a national audience.
So I wonder what my dad would have thought of this dad of three daughters. He has shared his view on his daughter’s boyfriends, NDS. He said you always say you like the boyfriend or NBS goes into effect; Natural Defiance Syndrome. He makes an Italian dinner for his daughters each Sunday they are in town. They push it around the plate and then he takes them out for Chinese.
So on May 5, I was amused when the governor repeated that his daughter, working for the state of New York for $1 a year, told him he was a bad communicator. She suggested a better plan for encouraging New Yorkers to wear a mask.
My dad had clarity in the value of an Oreo. Governor Cuomo has clarity in his role as governor.