July 2018
This newsletter is dedicated to memories of my mom.
HERBIE'S HINTS (named after my dad!)
From time to time, I ‘m asked, why Herbies’ Hints? Why not hints from my mom? Why only my dad?
I think Dianne Newman thought it was very un-feminist of me!

The answer is, It’s Complicated. It’s not that my mom didn’t give advice: she gave advice on everything and to everyone. To know her was to understand her. Without knowing her, the advice would seem shallow, shrill, and selfish. But not if you had ever experienced Selma. To experience her once, to see her or hear her would be remembered for a lifetime by most.

She was a force of nature. Like any force of nature, you need only to experience a hurricane or a lunar eclipse once to long remember its effect.

This month’s newsletter id dedicated to my mom who almost made it to her 95 th birthday, July 25.

In my monthly lessons learned, I select the lesson for you to learn. This month, I will tell you a Selma Story and you can decide the lesson that Selma Speaks to you.
Stay on Your Cutting Edge
In this lesson from the round pen, y ou will see me work with Grey Lady.
This work in the round pen will help prevent you from being that dreaded “micromanager." Give an instruction once and observe before deciding your next step.
1. She Could Even Control the Weather
My mom went from physically pretty darn strong, to hospice care in a very short period of time, like days. She passed away 36 hours after we were told she had 6-7 weeks, death not imminent. With that little notice, instead of flying out the day after, I flew out two days after I received the news due to scheduling, complications and connections.
I should have arrived 12 hours before the funeral. Instead I arrived less than an hour and 12 minutes before the funeral.
I sat at the gate of my connecting flight all night, changed in the airport bathroom, and the Lyft car, brushed my teeth in a different city, and made it on time, without a shower.
All the time knowing my mom would not have blamed the weather. She may even have created the problem weather to prove her point. I should have left with a day to spare.
2. Always Selma's Standard
When my dad died, I asked my mom the morning of the funeral if I should wear make-up? Since I would just cry it off, I wasn’t sure it was necessary. My mom said yes, dress how my father would want me to look.
A minute later my sister called with the same question. I gave her the same answer mom had given me. Fast forward 12 years. I am in the back of a Lyft car. Although it is the end of June, summer in NE Ohio has not allowed a tan. So I’m spray painting my legs in the back seat because my mom would have wanted me to represent her well, from head to foot.
3. Horse Show Mom
My mom was a horse show mom (pictured dancing with my dad at their 50th anniversary). Not because she grew up around horses or knew horses. She learned enough to try to be a help to answer the “why did I win?” or “why didn’t I win’ questions.
Along the way to showing horses Class A, there are a lot of falls, bumps, bruises, and sometimes scary rides and scary horses. One time before I started showing consistently, I was about 10 going to one of my first shows. We borrowed a horse trailer, riding clothes, and about everything else.
My horse didn’t want to go in the gate. He really didn’t want to go in. He reared on his hind legs, swirled, and ducked to get out of going in. Many mothers would have called it a day out of fear or frustration. Not my mom.
She talked me through, not letting me quit. I imagine her motherly instincts wanted to keep me safe. Her coaching instincts won out. She didn’t give up then or on anything or anyone since. Not ever. 
4. Work Through Everything
I used to have to go for an allergy shot once a week. Every week. Even with the shots I was very allergic, although having animals always won out. Important as the shots were, they were not important enough for me to miss school. So every Wednesday, all through elementary school, my mom would pick me up at lunchtime.
 She would have a lunch in the front seat. I would eat it on the way to Dr. Kroger’s office, get my shot, and be back for the first class after lunch recess. Even in second grade, school was not to be missed. Which I guess helps explain my work ethic regardless of the weather or the holiday.
5. Ordering Men
After my dad died, my mom introduced herself to the Internet. She started out saying she wanted to order beads for her crafts. And she did. She ordered them from all over the world. She soon went from ordering beads to ordering men.
From the time she was 85 until the very day she turned 91, she was an avid Internet dater. She got on planes and met the men that passed her fastidious investigations and with whom she had Skyped. She met amazing, accomplished, interesting men who had great stories of their lives to tell from being Jay Leno’s attorney to a Holocaust survivor who became a billionaire.
Her adventures took her from her first match from Seattle, her friend in Hawaii, Vegas to Aspen, and Beverly Hills (pictured is West Coast Al) to Palm Springs, Florida to Buffalo, and then there was that cruise that she backed out of two days before it set sail. My mom always found a way to have an interesting life. And most of the time to have a man at her side.
Leslie in Person
October – Sixth District

Forum 360 with Leslie as Moderator
Upcoming Show:  
Challenges in Today's Media – Guest Brian Tucker, former Publisher & Editor Cleveland Crain’s

Wellness in Our Work Lives - Guests Cory Kendrick, Director of Population Health and Dr. David Peter, Chief Medical Officer at Cleveland Clinic/ Akron General
Watch/ Listen to Forum 360:
Western Reserve Public Media, PBS-TV, PBS Fusion Channels 45 & 49 (Time Warner channel 993) - Mondays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 5:00 pm. After the show airs, you can download it here.
WONE FM 97.5 Sunday 6 am
For online streaming go to  http://wone.net/  and click Listen Live. 
WAKR AM 1590 Sunday, 5:00 pm, Monday 12:30 am For online streaming go to http://akronnewsnow.com/  and click Listen Live.
Benji this month is sharing his space with the Force of Nature Grandma he never met.
She charmed you, flirted with you, she helped you soar to great heights and cut you to the quick.
She always had a vision for a better way. A better way, a better you, some better result. In her early 80’s she started a friendship circle at the huge retirement community they moved to in 2002. The friendship circle is still going on and that is how news gets out among the thousands of residents spread over the desert setting. At her assisted living – her observations on others in the dining room completely changed how residents are fed and cared for during meals. She shamed a rabbi into coming twice a month for a pre- Sabbath service. And because of mom the assisted living center now uses their van to take residents to funerals of other residents, which they never did before. This is a courtesy my mother fought for way before she ever thought the service would be used for her funeral.
She would move heaven and earth for you. She would move heaven and earth against you when she believed in her cause. And she had more in common with The Help than you can ever imagine.
Saturday, July 28 from 9am - 2pm 
We are excited to announce Camp Next 2018: a “camp” experience for anyone between the ages of 14 and 26. 

This camp will focus on
·        Interview Skills
·        Identify Your Value
·        Financial Health
·        Dress for Success
·        Positive Social Media
·        And more!

Tuesday, August 28 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Results: What you get from this session
· The value of seeing yourself the way others see you
· The value of immediate correction and improvement    
· Ability to learn by both doing and observing

Email us at  Leslie@electricimpulse.com  for further information or to RSVP to one of our events.
Ask me about my 10 in 10!