An actual Mayor making phone calls |
When I was a little girl, I remember my Dad was trying to get a hold of a businessman. I don't remember who he was trying to reach. I do remember that he would talk at the dinner table about his lack of success. The guy was "not in" or "busy" or whatever when my Dad would call.
So one day my Dad made the call and received the standard push back. So he hung up, and called back. This time he said he was the Mayor. And he got through.
That was way, way before caller ID or social media. The same simple tactic of saying "the mayor is calling" would not work today. What I always admired was his less than traditional way to accomplish his goal of talking to his target.
I thought about his "mayor call" the other day. I was at a meeting in Cleveland. I did not know the gentleman next to me so we made the traditional introductions. He said his name, Patrick Manning. I asked the, what do you do question. He said (I am paraphrasing), "I design insurance programs for clients and their families."
That got my attention. I told him I had to write about him because of that one word, design. He didn't say he sold, offered, or helped. He said he "designed." I loved that. I thought what a way to take a traditional profession and "look at it upside down."
He went on to say (I am paraphrasing), that there are so many insurance options that you have to know the family situation, you can't just "sell."
Nothing works all the time. I think my dad tried the "mayor" strategy just once. Patrick uses "design" every day. The common thread to me is creating successful strategies to move your agenda forward
We continue to develop our series of 2-4 minute videos using a horse to teach communication and leadership lessons.
A horse has a kick zone, which is the most dangerous place to be in relation to a horse. It is not where you are likely to think it is!
You have to know how to keep yourself safe, how to protect your value, and when you are at risk. Same thing in any work environment. Do you figuratively keep yourself out of the kick zone?
Observations from a day unexpectedly spent at Emergency and a week-end unexpectedly spent at the hospital - I was not the patient.
We are grateful for the fine medical care in NE Ohio. The way it is delivered could use some improvement.
1. Krispy Kreme and Swenson's
The emergency room was attached to The Wellness Center. A detail that will become important later in the story. When I walked up to the nurse's desk I noticed a box of two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. Wellness or not, who could argue with a staff enjoying Krispy Kreme on a Friday. A couple hours later, we were still in emergency, we smelled the unmistakable smell of fried food. Out of curiosity the smells led me to a lunch cache from Swenson's.
Lesson Learned: I totally understand the value of Krispy Kreme. I kinda get the Swenson's thing although even as a vegetarian I would think The Rail or Whitey's burger was a better burger. And I understand employees in any profession are free to make their own food choices. But Krispy Kreme and Swenson's in the same day in a place connected to The Wellness Center. Are your decisions consistent to who you are as a company, organization or person?
2. Purpose of a Business Card
Have you thought about the purpose of a business card? One would think it was to get in touch with the person to whom you give a card. We thought it was a good step when the hospitalist gave us a business card for future communication. It should have been. However when after 24 hours the hospitalist was MIA, we tried the phone number on the card. The phone rang back to the nurse's station across from the patient's room.
Lesson Learned:
It's not enough to have a business card. It's not enough to pass out a business card. You actually have to respond. And respond on a timely basis. How is your response time?
An entire day went by with almost no visits from a floor nurse. Mid-afternoon a nurse did come in and bring clean water, once. By 7pm I asked for a dinner for the patient. Amazingly, no dinner had been ordered and the kitchen closed at 7pm. So I had to go the cafeteria and buy the patient food. By 7pm I asked if he could have clean sheets.
Lesson Learned: In advertising they say it takes eighteen touches to move the market to buy. In business we know we need to stay in touch with clients and prospects. Leaving a patient in their room all day is not providing the necessary touches. Are you staying in touch with your market or leaving them figuratively with no dinner?
One doctor walked into the hospital room and said, "you look like you could have had a stroke." Who does that? Who says that to a patient or anyone? If a medical personnel has a concern, then order tests or do what you have to do, just don't offer a diagnosis from how someone looks. Can you imagine how you would feel if someone said to you it looks like you have cancer?
Lesson Learned: The question and the reminder for us mere mortals not in the medical field is to not rush to judgement. Whether a personnel issue or a client issue or a dog issue, perhaps we could remember to get the facts first. Do you rush to judgement?
So one might assume that spending ten hours a day at a hospital is a little stressful. Then the non-patient is trying to keep things going at home and work; whether for the two - leggeds or four - leggeds- depending on a routine. I went to leave the hospital to run home and let the dogs out. As I gave my ticket to the parking attendant she asked if I was coming back. That question was easy. Yes I was. Then she went on to ask, upon my return would I be leaving before or after 9pm? This one stumped me. I did not know.
Lesson Learned:
She went on to enlighten me that if I left after 9 it would be free so I should not buy the all-day pass. But if I left before 9pm then I should buy the pass. I just looked at her dumbfounded. I had been up since 5:45 am. The days had provided surprises I could not have expected. And she expected me to know what the next few hours would bring? I just stared at her. One decision too many. Do you make things easy or hard for your audience?
November - The Will-Burt Company: Presentations Made Powerful
December - Firestone H.S. Seniors: Communicate Your Value
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Benji waiting for his daily walk |
When I was at puppy class back when Natcha was a puppy, the class always began with an update from each puppy parent. I found it interesting that regardless of the puppy's challenge: teething, barking, not listening . . . the answer was always the same. More exercise. Regardless of the breed, from the smallest to the Australian or German Shepherd the answer was always more exercise.
Benji gets walked a mile to two miles every day. It's a help. I have to find the time to get that walk in if I want him to listen to me even his Benji version of listening to me
He is not that big and his legs are not that long, yet he can tough out three or four miles. He comes back from a two mile walk and an hour later he is asking to play Frisbee.
As I have said, I know Benji came into my life to teach me something. In this case perhaps it is a reminder that your audience decides not you. Common sense might say that two or three or four miles a day is too much for those little legs. But he says otherwise
Are you listening to what others - two legged or four legged - are telling you?
December 7 - 5pm - 7pm
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