May 2017 Newsletter
When my dad died, I remembered something I had heard on an audio tape. Yep, it was the 90's and I was listening to a new age guru on what at the time seemed like new technology, the walkman. 

She said that when  someone died, it was like they went to a lesser watched network: from ABC to MSNBC. They are still on our radar screen, but in a much more removed way.

I thought that was kinda weird, but I remembered it. It was probably ten years later when my dad died. In the time since he died I have found that to be true. Of course I can't call him up and replay the Buckeyes winning touchdown, but he is always there somewhere: removed.

I thought of this recently when a friend's mother died.

Figuratively she will still be on his TV set, just a different network. In her case, she won't be on Fox anymore.
After the 2016 presidential election, two of our local universities responded in current yet very different ways. On Forum 360 I invited the professors of each class to highlight why the outcome of this election.

Dr. Suzanne Holt, director of the women's studies program and professor in the Center for Comparative and Integrative Programs at KSU is teaching Hillary Clinton Case Study: Perspectives on Gender and Power.

Professor Matthew Akers, director of government relations and assistant director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics (UA), is teaching "Trump's Triumph." This class focuses on Trump's rise during the 2016 presidential election.
1. Cupping: Quack or Cure
Cupping is an ancient form of non-traditional medicine. If you remember pictures of Michael Phelps or Gwyneth Paltrow, you will remember the strange circular branding images that stay on the skin long after a cupping session.
Some say it is a trick and others that it is a treatment. It has been around for 3,000 years. There is little scientific evidence yet there is much anecdotal evidence that it works: it reduces pain, swelling, and muscle knots
Lesson Learned: Then If I could try cryotherapy, standing in a cylinder at below 100 degrees C for three minutes, surely I could try this unique form of branding. Do I really want to be branded like cattle? Yes I did. I can tell you I had a stiff neck and now I don't. What I liked best was that the professional could assess the progress she was making in real time. I didn't have to wait days to find out if it worked.  It accelerated mobility. What can you do to accelerate your forward mobility?
2. BRO Culture
A few years ago I experienced it. I didn't know how to put the experience into words. I wasn't sure what I had experienced, I just knew it was a bad experience. Fast forward a few years and I read about my experience in the New York Times. Well, not my experience per se, but similar enough. The New York Times named it BRO Culture. And not in a good way.
"Bro Culture" is basically a culture that favors good looking and cocky young men behaving badly. But the badly in this respect is bad business practices: reckless spending, rude behavior, and misogyny that create a toxic culture.
Lesson Learned:  Look no further than Uber. Its valuation of 69 billion is in free fall and top executives have fled. Word is that that bros are better at raising money than making money. Bros do best when they hire seasoned executives to help them. You could call it adult supervision.  Whatever age, do you have an honest mirror?
3. Dated Versus Irrelevant
Apparently the Hamptons have run out of vacant lots. So ten year old homes are candidates to be torn down. "Older" houses don't have the atmosphere or the light that buyers are looking for today. The Hampton house used to be the smaller second home. Now at 11,000 feet with ten bedrooms, it does not take a back seat to the city's home. Experts say it cost more to renovate a house than to build a new one.
Lesson Learned:  While it pains me to think of a ten year old house as old, the real lesson goes deeper. If a 10 or 20 year old house is thought of as obsolete, what life span do our skills have ?
4. Friend or Coach
Washington Wizards first year coach Scott Brooks, says "I'm not here to be their friend, I'm here to be their coach". One of his players, Markieff Morris said you gain more respect for coaches when they call you out in front of the team. Coach Brooks says one of the most important qualities as a head coach is being able to connect with your players. He'll tell you what he thinks; he'll ask you what you think he can do better for you. That's a players' coach.
Lesson Learned: If you connect the dots between these three comments, first year coach who has his team in the playoffs is saying, I call them out in public, I ask their opinion, and I don't want to be their buddy. Anyone leading, especially Millennials could learn from Scott BrooksHow many of these three traits do you emulate on a consistent basis?
5. Teaching the New Guy
Spring is the season of the NFL draft as much as it is the season of April showers and May flowers. Each time a prospect is drafted, the debate begins: who will teach him, how much can he grow, is he in the right system, what about the athletes playing in front of him? Listening to sports radio the other day, I was amused to hear the same argument playing out again with alittle different twist. The General Manager of the New York Giants said, "it is not Eli Manning's job to teach the prospect."
Lesson Learned: Eli Manning is the quarterback. What the manager was saying was that it was not Eli's job to teach his successor. Former players began weighing in on this issue immediately. Every company and every position in a company faces this dilemma in some way. No one wants to teach the person to take their job, on the other hand a team or company is only as strong as their weakest member. What does your onboarding look like?
In Person

May 16 - Working with Millennials, Commerce Club of Akron
May 20 - Health & Wellness Panel, Revere Road Synagogue
August 11 - Communicate with Confidence, TAPS Consultants

Forum 360 with Leslie as Moderator

Upcoming Shows:

Title:  From Old Trail to Shark Tank
Guest: Evan Delahunty, Peaceful Fruits

Title: Israeli First Responders
Guests: Cari Immerman, Friends of United Hatzalah, Cleveland
Watch/ Listen to Forum 360:
Western Reserve Public Media, PBS-TV, PBS Fusion Channels 45 & 49 (Time Warner channel 993) - Mondays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 5:00 pm. After the show airs, you can download it here.

WONE FM 97.5 Sunday 6 am
For online streaming go to and click Listen Live.

WAKR AM 1590 Sunday, 5:00 pm, Monday 12:30 am For online streaming go to and click Listen Live.
After private sessions Benji and I were on to group sessions. When we finished the final session, we had to decide whether or not to go on with more sessions. I thing I know for sure, in any aspect of my personal or professional life, is that I benefit from a mirror: an honest reflection. (which I why I have two full length mirrors in my office, to be YOUR honest mirror)
I know that Benji is better when I am "better". Heather was surprised that I was continuing on with regular sessions. I first said, "Benji is remedial." Then I said, "I must be remedial." Then I laughed as I discovered the answer is that together we are remedial!
While I laughed when I said it, I also do believe there is truth that the dynamic between Benji and me is a challenging one. Years ago a third party introduced me to someone who became a client. The third party warned me and warned me about this client. But I had a very different experience and a different relationship with the client than the third party had. Both were authentic, they were just different.
Because I am convinced that Benji came into my life to teach me, this is one of the lessons. We all have different relationships with people. It's not good or bad. We need to look in the honest mirror and see what we need to move a relationship or an agenda forward. For me, it is back to owner obedience class!

Three to Choose From:  June 2, July 28, and September 29
HorseTalk: Lessons in Leadership  from 8:30am - 5pm
Join us for a day like no other! A horse is a metaphor for your challenges. You can't lead a horse if you're not clear where you're going. You can't lead a team if you don't know where you are going either.

7:30am - 9:30am
This is a morning Video session.

Email us at for further information or to RSVP to one of our events. For more information visit our website:

Ask me about my 10 in 10!