My dad bled scarlet and grey. As a water boy for the Ohio State Football team before WW2, he maintained his love of OSU and the football team through Woody and beyond.
Under Coach Tressel (and every coach before him) the football team was made up of 70% Ohio players and 30% out of state players.
Under Coach Meyer the team is 70% out of state players and 30% in-state players. One former player said it is as if they are beamed in from out of state to the OSU campus. Most of the players know nothing of Ohio sports history whether it is the Drive, the Fumble or the Disappointment.
We can't put the feathers back in this pillow. As my dad would say, you are either getting better or getting worse. Coach Urban Meyer and the 21st century have decided that getting better means opening up state and mental borders as to where excellence resides.
It was fun to be the guest rather than the host!
David Mariano, Western Reserve Partners, invited me to be a guest on his weekly podcast. Often we hear actors
say that they do not like to watch themselves on the silver screen.
Perhaps I should not say it, but I listened to every word of this podcast and I have to admit I liked it!
1. Sports: A Diversion or Life Itself
I had the opportunity to hear sportswriter Terry Pluto talk, of course, about sports. As a proclaimed sports addict who listens to sports radio as much of the day as possible, I was especially interested. After writing about sports for over 30 years, he had this to say about the value of sports. The value to most people is as a diversion to what is going on in their life whether the diversion lasts the length of a game or a lifetime.
Lesson Learned: Terry Pluto was clear about his value. He nor his profession saves the world, will find a cure for cancer, or develop the newest app. His value in writing about sports and the value of the sport is the diversion for the family struggling with cancer or Alzheimer's disease. Can you communicate as clearly your value and the value of your profession?
2. Better Than a Mock Plane Crash
Mock plane crashes for better morale. Really? Even in a swimming pool does the idea of a mock plane crash sound appealing? Would almost drowning with your colleagues help you become a better team player? The up side supposedly is that you get to see how people handle stress. This unifies the team and helps them overcome imposed limits, learn trust, communication and leadership.
Lesson Learned:
Apparently there are all kinds of survival experiences. Surviving a mock plane crash at an indoor pool to learn to be leaders and work as a team is a little excessive to me. Just watching the 30 second video of being submerged was my limit of tolerance. Yet I ask people to come to HorseTalk: Lessons in Leadership and that might feel like a survival experience to them! I believe it's safer than a mock plane crash and more lessons learned!
Come to the pasture this summer on Friday June 2 or Friday July 28th.
Tien Tzuo is founder and CEO of Zuora, a service provider. Born in Taiwan and raised in this country, he sees his role as that of a puzzle solver. He sees what needs to be done and provides the right resources to make it happen.
Along the way he has a different philosophy on managing his company. He tells everybody, "I am more of a leader than a manager, so don't expect me to manage you. You have to manage me."
Lesson Learned:
Much is written about managing down, little is written about managing up. Yet there are more people lower on the organizational chart and less people at the top to manage! How does a person learn how to manage up?
Here is a CEO and owner clearly saying, you have to figure it out. And to up the stakes, he says I don't do one-on-one meetings.
How would you manage a boss that did not conduct one-on-one meetings?
4. Different Take on Performance Reviews
To many individuals and companies, performance reviews become a laundry list of issues. So at Zuora, the belief is that individuals and their issues should be exposed in a team environment because things have to be worked out in a group setting. There are no individual performance reviews.
The CEO says, "I don't wake up in the morning thinking about what you need to be successful. I'm always there to help but I'm not actively thinking about it."
Lesson Learned: Over the last couple of decades, Gen X and Y requested more frequency of performance reviews. The seemed to prefer reviews to be weekly or daily. Here is a company that does no reviews and puts the responsibility for one's success squarely on the "one's" shoulders. Do you realize that no one but you wakes up each morning thinking about what you need to be successful?
Recently I read that the reason so many TED talks go viral is the 18 minute limit. It's long enough to be meaningful and short enough to not bore you. I found this rationale interesting but not deep enough. So I decided to dig further. The TED philosophy consists of one sentence, "it's about simplified, authentic storytelling. This fits with its mission of ideas worth spreading."
Lesson Learned: What do you need to know or do to tell an authentic story in 18 minutes that has an idea worth spreading? One, you need to have a passion. Two, you need to prepare. Rodney Mullen a skateboarder who never before presented on stage, practiced months with a coach. His speech received one of the only standing ovations of that year. Third, to present well in 18 minutes takes discipline. Do you implement these three steps in all of your communication?
May 16 - Working With Millennials, Commerce Club of Akron
Forum 360 with Leslie as Moderator
Upcoming Shows:
Shark Tank Experience
Guest: Evan Delahunty, Peaceful Fruits
Title: Why Universities Study Hillary and Trump
Guests: Dr. Suzanne Holt, Kent State University, and Professor Matt Akers, University of Akron
Watch/ Listen to Forum 360:
Western Reserve Public Media, PBS-TV, PBS Fusion Channels 45 & 49 (Time Warner channel 993) - Mondays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 5:00 pm. After the show airs, you can download it
WONE FM 97.5 Sunday 6 am
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Moshe and I have different ideas about the implementation of doggy discipline. When I tell Benji to do something, I think he should do it until.
Until I tell him otherwise. Moshe thinks Benji should do it until Benji thinks he is done or until Benji thinks he has fulfilled the command.
Mostly we have an unholy alliance that when he is watching Benji, he can dictate whatever rules he wants to implement.
In your company is there a common implementation of rules? Who decides on the implementation? How does one know it is implemented? Is there consistency?
12pm - 5pm
Camp NEXT is a half-day experience for the next generation of leaders.
Join us for a day like no other! A horse is a metaphor for your challenges. You can't lead a horse if you're not clear where you're going. You can't lead a team if you don't know where you are going either.
7:30am - 9:30am
This is a morning Video session.
Email us at
[email protected]
for further information or to RSVP to one of our events. For more information visit our website:
Ask me about my 10 in 10!