Can You Model Robin@NYC?

When my dad had his first open heart surgery, I became aware of a phenomenon. If I said, “my dad had double bypass surgery”, the response I would often get was, “my mom had triple bypass”. If I said, “my...
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Your Presence is a GIFT

            Sunday, the only LeBron James Arena in the world, formally named the basketball court in honor of Coach Dru Joyce. Coach Joyce has won more state titles than any other coach in Ohio history. It was a hot afternoon...
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Use a Little Shock in Your Day

An invisible fence works for a reason. We can learn a lesson from the fence that we can apply on a regular basis, without the electric shock. Success of the fence is based on the ability of the fence to...
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What Do a Speech and a Resume Have in Common?

If there is not some pain involved with both of these, you are not doing either one correctly. I am working on three resumes for clients. From time to time I either edit or create resumes, usually for on-going clients....
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Where Was Jada?

One of my rules in life is that if something is still bothering me a week later, I need to address it. Apparently, I am not done with the Oscars. Today is a different perspective. Let’s look at the role...
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Zelensky and the Grammy Awards

I almost fell off my chair when Ukraine President Zelensky came on the screen LIVE at the Grammy’s. Even as a fan of both his TV series and his presidency, my first thought was, “what is he doing here”? I...
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