3 Lessons We Can Learn by Attending Events

Years ago I had a client who thought he could just whip together an event in a couple of weeks: find a venue, invite people and host the event within a 2-3 week period.

I didn’t think it could happen.

Events require a lot of planning. Even then some things go wrong.

This summer will be full of events, for profit and not for profit, home venues and hotel venues, food trucks and fine dining.

In the first few weeks of summer, here are 3 lessons to share with you:

  • Look at things from your guest point of view not just your point of view

Push yourself to look at all aspects from your guest perspective not yours. Do they want to move venues or stay in one place? Do they want to graze or have a sit down meal? Did they have a long drive to get to you, a long drive home?

  • Be generous beyond question

There just has to be enough food, more than enough food. If every guest wants to eat all choices on the table, there has to be enough food, you invited them. FYI 2 little pieces of cauliflower does not make an entrée. Just because someone is a vegetarian does not man they are not hungry!

  • Memorable moments not one moment

Movies have multiple memorable moments not just one. Your event needs multiple moments. Paid valet parking, a goodie bag, entertainment may be memorable to some and not others. Keep looking to add those moments. #events #makemagic

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